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Celebrate your wedding day in style at Courteenhall
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Come and join us at Courteenhall Farms for our annual Open Day.
Our sister estate Gawdy Hall is looking for an Estate Assistant
Dr Johnny Wake to speak at Farmers Weekly’s Transition Live event
Courteenhall Estate has been shortlisted for the prestigious Frances Garnham Award for our innovative educational work.
Primary school children in Cambridge have been learning about Anglo-Saxon rebel Hereward the Wake – and recently received a ‘visit’ from him.
We've had fantastic interest in the launch of the Central England cell of the Environmental Farmers Group.
Our sister estate hosted an On The Farm Day
The Lord-Lieutenant of Northamptonshire visited Courteenhall Estate today to see the pioneering work being done by New Leaf Learning in its grounds.
A rare Roman bracelet and an Iron Age axe head are now on display to the public as part of a touring exhibition.